Training, Learning and Development Quotes

Slide27I was reminded recently of a quote by John F Kennedy:

Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other

As a leader and a trainer, you can see why I would appreciate this one!

I fully believe that as a leader my job is not just to develop my team, but also to recognise the potential in them, leverage their existing talents, to encourage them to see themselves for who they are and give them the confidence they need to become the people that they can be.

I also think that no matter how much we learn there is still infinitely more that we could learn, but also because when I train someone I want to inspire them to push the boundary of the subject, to learn more than I could ever teach them.


Then I was reminded of another quote, this time by Socrates:

Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel


Since my post a few weeks back on Leadership Quotes, I have received a few requests for quotes on training, development and learning so here goes…

Hope you find them as inspiring as I do!  As usual, the presentation is available for view on and you can download the *.PPTX version here.

Alesandra Blakeston

4 thoughts on “Training, Learning and Development Quotes

  1. Hi Alesandra . I simply loved the presentation with quotes on learning , inspiring indeed . I am foutunate to be a part of T&D function of a large fortune 500 global IT firm. I have recently been offered an interesting role – Mid managerial transformation which encompasses ‘Firt Time Managers ‘ coaching . Do you have any pointers on a good reference material . Many thanks . Have a great week ahead – Cheers !!!

    1. Wow. Where to start. HBR has a good selection on leadership, you could start there. I’m currently reading Simon Sinek’s “start with why” that’s a great read. Leadership 101 by John Maxwell has some good basics. Training to imagine by Kat Koppett is great as is Sharon L Bowman’s Training from the back of the room. Her’s also a leadership training activity book by Lois Borland Hart which youmight enjoy as well. Good luck! I hope you do well in your new position!

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