Free Dynamic Navigation PowerPoint Template

While browsing for examples of dynamic navigation in PowerPoint over the weekend, I came across this amazing work on  Using vba they have created buttons on the top, bottom, left and right of the screen to allow the user to navigate.

youpresent example

Since it is a free download under the creative common licence, I wondered if it would work for an onboarding presentation I had been asked to do. All I would need to do was attribute the original file accordingly: “based on a project by”.

Their version uses vba to create the animation and navigation between the slides.  While it is very elegant, I did have to wonder if it was overkill.  In addition, since the code is based on having the slide numbers on the buttons, it didn’t really do what I needed. Of course, I could have altered the code to get it to look for a slide title rather than a number, but I wanted custom text in the button each time.

In the end, I took the principle of having navigation at the top, bottom, left and right, removed the vba and added simple hyperlinks to each of the buttons.  I appreciate that my way is harder in the long run (you need to manually set up the hyperlink each time rather than having vba), but I like the end result.

Dynamic Navigation Example

Incidentally, the graphics are courtesy of a free new hire orientation PowerPoint template by Tom Kuhlman from the Articulate community. Feel free to download my example (as shown in the picture above) and to check out the original on


+Alesandra Blakeston

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